Armageddon -The Beginning of The END!

  The following is an EDITED version of a MUST HAVE BOOK. It is the most comprehensive, informative,  and accurate compilation of the most important of coming world events. Coming stealthily but swiftly upon earth! Millions will not know what 'hit' them because they REFUSED to study this most VITAL  subject. How sad, how VERY sad! I am NOT the author of the book, I have never met the author of the book, and quite frankly I do not know how I came into possession of the book. But, I was so impressed as to the pertinence, accuracy,  and urgent application of the knowledge contained therein,  I felt COMPELLED to place it on the Internet in hopes that the life saving information it contains  will reach millions before it is too late.
  The author leads up to the climax in a well documented and enlightening way. Detail after detail are listed, but you MUST closely examine each. It is a complex subject and the Devil wants you to be IGNORANT of his devilish plan. The broad road is FILLED with stubborn 'know it all's' who will blaspheme God in those horrible days, blaming Him for their troubles, even though they had ample opportunity to learn of Satan's master plan of deception. If you think the evangelicals have figured it all out you are GREATLY mistaken. Satan is NO fool, when it comes to deception, and heinous plans. And if you don't believe there is a real Devil, you are ALREADY badly deceived and in for a real shock when the countdown begins. Editor

  Here is the author's preprinting note:
Writing began on this book ( Beginning of The End ) in mid July 2001. On the morning of September 11, as it was beginning to be packed for mailing to the printing house, a staff member rushed in with the news that one, and then another, of the twin Trade Center towers had been struck by terrorists. We had no idea these specific incidents would occur. This is a day of infamy for our great nation, yet this book was written to provide a wide-ranging warning of this and similar dangers. The information it contains is needed by Americans more than  ever before. We are facing a stupendous crisis, and it will deepen.

  Here is the FORWARD:


  At the beginning of the 20th century, people had great hopes for the future. But the horrors of World War 1 shattered them. Then came the global misery of World War II, and 100 million dead or disabled. And with it came the atomic bomb.
  It was a beautiful morning that August day in 1945, not a cloud in the sky over this large Japanese city. Some may have noticed a foreign aircraft overhead, but it was too late! The bomb was released and a few seconds later 92,000 people were dead or missing. The city was destroyed. That explosion changed the world forever.

  "Since 1945, it began to be feasible for mankind to exterminate ALL life on earth." Living in the Future (1985), p. 18.

  Now we stand aghast at what crazed men can now do to the rest of us. Then came the 43 year nuclear arms race between the USA and Russia. For decades, there was a massive bipolar face off between the two. The rest of the world quietly sat back and nervously watched.
  But then, when the Soviet Union broke apart in 1989, everything changed again. Over a dozen smaller nations began preparing for war against one another, or against us. Nations once again arming, but this time it is different. In the 1990's we entered upon a situation that has steadily grown almost unmanageable
  Now there are too many actors in the drama, too many loose nukes, too many terrorists. It is too easy to buy nuclear bombs, too easy to make chemical and biological ones. The leading scientists and intelligence experts of America tell us they long for the days of the cold war, when things were peaceful!

  "In comparison to the present, in some ways it seems like the Cold War was a piece of cake." Nat. Security Seminar held at U.S. Army War College, Carlisle, Pa.

  Make no mistake: The 1990's and beyond have hurled us into an increasingly dangerous world. Dr. Masoud, a U.S. defense expert, explains:
  "Those of us who spent our formative years during the halcyon days of the Cold War cannot escape feeling a modicum of nostalgia for the simplicity of that era. While the bipolar structure of the Cold War nuclear confrontation ensured its stability, the chaos of the post-War era has seen Third World 'rogue' states, like Iraq and North Korea, and possibly even terrorist elements become the newest players in an increasingly volatile nuclear game. Since everyone with an ax to grind appears to be trying to acquire nuclear materials, it seems inevitable that eventually someone, somewhere WILL SUCCEED... How does the West deter non-state terrorist actors with nuclear bombs and nothing to lose?"  Tarek E. Masoud, "Stealing the Fire"

  The entire world is becoming increasingly militarized, and many of the belligerents are fanatics.

  As you will learn in this book, we now live on the edge of a sudden military attack which could destroy major cities. A truck bomb, a 'suitcase' A-bomb, who knows? There are a number of other equally dangerous problems.
  This is the story of WHAT we are facing. WHY it will come. And HOW to prepare for it.



"We may have only a few decades until doomsday." Carl Sagon, Cosmos, p. 382

  In 1980, Alvin Toffler, the well known futurist predicted that "the decades immediately ahead are likely to be filled with upheavals, turbulence, perhaps even widespread violence" (Alvin Toffler, The Third Wave, 1980, p. 12)
  Little did Toffler imagine what was coming! The fall of East Germany and the Soviet Union, at the end of the 1980's, hurled the planet into a level of crisis living that was unimaginable in the preceding decades of relative peace. when all the world sat back quietly and watched the Soviets and Americans point guns at one another.
  It is different now.
    "Currently we are behaving like insane passengers on a jet plane who are busy taking all the rivets and bolts out of the craft as it flies along." Tom Harper, Toronto Star, quoted in W.R. Goetz, Apocalypse Next: The End of Civilization as We Know It (1996), p. 28.
  "I think human life is threatened as never before in the history of this  planet. Not by one peril but many. They are all working together, coming to a head about the same time. And the time lies very close to the year 2000. I am one of those scientists who find it hard to see how the human race is to bring itself much past the year 2000." Dr George Walk, Chairman, Biology Department, Harvard University, Nobel prize winner, quoted in Goetz, p.15.

  We are now past 2000, but the reasons for coming catastrophe only intensify with each passing month.
    " Political and economic trust will implode.  Real hardship will beset the land,  with severe distress that could involve questions of class,  race,  nation,  and empire." William Strauss and Neil Howe, The Fourth Turning:  An American Prophecy (1997), p. 6.

  Not only one or a few, but on MANY fronts, the situation is rapidly worsening.

  " It could mark the end of man. It will be an omnicidal Armageddon. destroying EVERYTHING leaving NOTHING!" Ibid. p. 330.   "This is the first age that's paid much attention to the future. Which is a little ironic since we might not have one." Arthur C. Clark, quoted in RlA. Swenson, Hurlling toward Oblivion (1999), p. 20.

  That which the world's leading experts now say is just ahead of us is MORE than dangerous; it is DEADLY.

    "The question for humanity is whether our species is capable of thinking and acting in its own interest to ensure its survival. Some scholars maintain that we hold within us an unconscious drive to self-destruct, which will eventually succeed." Melville C. Branch, "Why We Simulate Lone-range Futures." The Futurist, April 1998, p. 52. Professor Emeritus of Planning. University of Southern California.

You have just finished the first chapter. There was a lot of negative and discouraging stuff there. But, after all,  that is what this book is all about. Just hang in there, its going to get worse. After all, if the situation just ahead wasn't indescribably horrible I wouldn't be bothering to make this EDITED book version available to you on the Internet. You owe it to yourself and those you love to persevere, wade through the ugly statistics. You will be thankful you did. I PROMISE!
When you have finished reading the book and are interested in getting paperback versions for distribution to your friends and loved ones you can e-mail me and I will provide you with the address where you can order copies by the box at a very reasonable rate. Now, put on your 'thinking cap', read like your life depended upon it, AND IT DOES! Editor



( 1 )

  The entire world is rushing toward a dramatic climax. It will be swift, powerful, and certain. In this chapter we will explain several reasons why it is inevitable.
  The overwhelming majority of all the material goods we use in daily life today have been developed within the generation in which we now live.
    "Until this century, social change was so slow that it would pass unnoticed in one person's lifetime. That is no longer so. The rate of change has increased so much that our imagination can't keep up. Indeed, says social psychologist Waren Bennis, the throttle has been pushed so far forward in recent years that no exaggeration, no hyperbole, no outrage can realistically describe the extent and pace of change.. in fact, only the exaggerations appear to be true." Alvin Toffler, Future Shock (1970), p. 22.
   NOTE: Mr. Toffler wrote those prophetic words over 30 years ago.

  On every hand, in every field, wherever we look or go, everything is increasing. In every technology, every aspect of living, every field of science and endeavor, we are experiencing dramatic increase, which, along with other factors, is leading us into an area of irreversible instability and danger.
    "The world of today is as different from the world in which I was born as that world was from Julius Caesar's... Future Shock (1970), p. 13.

  Even in the poorest nations, there is more and more; More people, more crowded cities, more abject poverty, and more anger. And also, we might add, more guns.

  This continual increase us both staggering and un-measurable. It is also unstoppable. Everything changes and grows go fast, we cannot keep up with it. Profusion is both complex and deceptive. We simply cannot grasp how fast everything is increasing.
    "Everything grows. Everything is on the increase, and every year the speed of that increase is greater." Roberto Vacca, The Coming Dark Age, trans.  by J.S. Whale (1974), p. 6.
  The insistent profusion divides itself into both differentiation and proliferation: First, there are so many different types of everything: and , second, the sheer numbers of it all keeps increasing.
    "By changing our relationship to the resources that surround us, by violently expanding the scope of change, and, most crucially, by accelerating its pace, we have broken irretrievably with the past." Alvin Troffler, Furure Shock (1970), p. 18.

  On a gargantuan scale, everything is simply more and more. This fact, along with several others, is leading us into big trouble.

( 2 )


  Even if most of us wanted to , it is impossible to slow the increase. And most of us don't want to. We are careening toward a destination, whether we like it or not.
    "Society is caught up in a dynamic of change which no power can stop.. Now that the transition is under way, there is no going back on it." Kenneth E. Boulding The Great Transition (1964), pp. 186, 191.

  The continual increase is thought to be a great blessing, but we shall soon see it has an ominous side.

  Our present economy is completely dependent on progress continuing in its current direction. We are used to a lifestyle of always something new, something different. "Innovation" is the 'gasoline' in the engine of progress.
  But, keep in mind that each new level of progress destroys the previous level. If we suddenly loose our computers, we have no experts nor equipment with us to help us revert to how we did accounting thirty years ago. The experts of yesteryear are dead. We cannot go back because there is nothing to return to.

( 3 )


  "Exponential" is a big word, but there is a little word that can define it:  doubling. Here is a simple way to demonstrate doubling: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, and upward.
  Life around us is not only increasing; it is doubling! The organic and physical processes going on around us are doubling (multiplying exponentially).
    "Nearly every pollutant that has been measured as a function of time appears to be increasing exponentially." The Limits to Growth (1972), p. 71.
  Worse yet, MANY contemporary processes not only grow, they seem to be exploding. You have seen those graphs, where everything is starting to go straight up. Health care expenditures, federal debt, private debt, etc. You name it, everything is increasing FAST!
  "Each new machine or technique, in a sense, changes all existing machines and techniques by permitting us to put them together into new combinations. The number of possible combinations rises exponentially as the number of new machines or techniques rises arithmetically." Alvin Toffler, Future Shock (1970), pp. 28-29.

  Exponential change makes something very little into something very big VERY fast. Perhaps the following will help to demonstrate the principal of exponential growth:
  The Pacific Ocean, alone, covers 64 million square miles and averages 14,000 feet in depth. If all the continents were placed inside it there would still be room for another Asia. So it is big, really big!
  If the Pacific Ocean dried up and we had to refill it, how long would it take:  that is, if  we began with a single (yes one drop) DROP of water, and each time doubled the amount of the previous drop (ex.1 drop, 2 drops, 4 drops, 8 drops, 16 drops, 32 drops, etc. )
  The answer is just 80 doublings, yes you 'heard' right eighty. To FILL the Pacific Ocean! Sounds absurd doesn't it? But, watch this. How full would it be at the 70th doubling? Answer: One tenth of one percent, yep,  .1 percent. The last 10 doublings would fill it to the top. That is the POWER of continual doubling. And you and I are living in it right now. But it is a dangerous way to live.
    "Every day of continued exponential growth brings the world system closer to the ultimate limits to that growth. A decision to do nothing is a decision to  increase the risk of COLLAPSE." Dennis Meadows, et al., The Limits of Growth (1972),  p. 183.

Editors NOTE: Here is another way  to look at the situation. Remember the previous Ocean example, how that 7/8th of the way through to filling the ocean it was still practically 'dry'. The overwhelming volume of water to come in the last 1/8th of the permutations FILLED the ocean, the ocean has reached its LIMIT of capacity! The parallel is this: Our 'experiment' with freedom and democracy is perhaps 7/8th of the way over,  and things seem somewhat 'normal'. But, the 'overflowing scourge' comes as a complete and paralyzing SURPRISE,  in just the last 1/8th of the 'experiment'. Time truly is running out for America and the world, God help us. The Editor

Continuing on with the book:
  Jay Forrester, a research professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was one of the first to develop computer models of what was happening in the modern world. Frightened, he declared that nothing in a finite world can continue exponentially indefinitely. (see Ervin Laszlo, ed., The World System: Models, Norms, Variations 1973, p. 82).
He is right. Dead right.
  The massive increase of technology, at such a prodigious rate, is not as safe as we might imagine. One of the deepest thinkers of our time writes thus:
    "The more we try to spread technology over the culture, the more fragmented society becomes. The whole process of increased complexity, in creased problems, increased entropy (deterioration), and increased disorder proceeds exponentially, and that's what makes the modern world crisis so frightening. The exponentiality of the technological fix is a one-way ticket to disaster for life and for the planet earth." Jeremy Rifkin, Entropy: A New World View (1980), p. 83.
  Roberto Vacca is a systems mathematician. He says we are headed toward "breakdown on a large scale". (Roberto Vacca, The Coming Dark Age: What Will Happen When Modern Technology Breaks Down? 1974, p. 4). Mr. Vacca further sates: "( when systems reach )...CRITICAL dimensions ( they ) will be followed by many CATASTROPHIC events." ibid. p. 14
  Exponential doubling of everything is dangerous. It is going to 'break' eventually. This cannot continue. You should be aware of the fact. That is why you are reading this book. But there is more. The situation is rapidly worsening.

Editorial NOTE: I really do hate to be interrupting your study like this, but it is my compassion for you that compels me to do so. I know your frustration. I have been there myself. You are anxious to get to the 'meat' of the subject. You're thinking why doesn't the author just give us the necessary info that will prepare us for the awful times and just skip all this 'statistical' stuff? That is the way I ( the editor ) wanted it too, but, take it from one who now knows, it is best THIS WAY. Trust me!
  One more important thing to keep in mind is: Satan is not called the Arch Deceiver for nothing. He most certainly lives up to that well deserved title in this last great deception. His MASTER DECEPTION  that he has planned for earth and its inhabitants is in place and ready to apply. Millions who have trusted in their clergy to guide, instruct, and warn them in religious matters will be forced to conclude that these 'men of God' have sorely failed them. Millions others will simply refuse to listen to counsel which doesn't come from an 'approved' source. Satan plays on these two human tendencies,  and traps them in his deadly snare.
  The slow methodical work of the author is SPECIFICALLY designed to counter these normal human tendencies. He is laying the ground work which will give you wisdom to choose RATIONALLY. The Editor

( 4 )


As we will learn below, some of this rapidly accumulating evil is intentionally produced: some is just an accidental result of our modern way of life.
  Let us first consider the accidental and non military problems:


  Fully one-third of all deaths worldwide are from infectious diseases. An increasing number is caused by strange, new diseases never before seen in human history.
  In 1995, the Journal of the American Medical Association and 32 other medical journals, worldwide, devoted an entire edition to emergent infectious diseases. They had a lot to discuss.
  The attack of influenza in 1918 killed 18 million people throughout the world. If smallpox should return, it could kill other millions. (Later we will learn that there are rogue nations preparing to use it as a weapon against us.)
  Ebola virus is extremely deadly. Hanta virus can produce fatal respiratory failure and death in hours. Then there is AIDS and HIV. Although totally unknown in early 1980, AIDS is rapidly becoming a leading killer throughout the world. Lyme disease was unknown only a few years ago; today it terrorizes those who fear exposure to it.


  Strange, new ( new to the USA )  insects are causing serious problems. Containerized freight has greatly accelerated the international transportation of goods. Thousands of these large shipping containers are loaded and unloaded daily at U.S., and other ports worldwide.
  It is now known that hitchhikers travel with the hobo insects: fungus, mold, germs, and rodents. As one example, it is strange but true that thousands of used tires are transported back and forth across the oceans. Water in those tires contains mosquito larvae and other swimming or floating insects, and sea creatures.
  Thanks to the activities of modern man, we now have killer bees, Formosa termites, "Egyptian Nile mosquitoes, and other very dangerous insects and microbes,  here in America.


  Although an extremely controversial subject, there are those who maintain that our worldwide tree cutting, car exhausts,  and smoke stacks are  causing a global warming effect which is beginning to produce major weather and climate changes. We are told that, ultimately, it will melt enough polar ice to raise ocean levels and inundate the port cities of the world.   What happens in one part of the world now affects every other. Welcome to 'spaceship' Earth! " (1970) the network of social ties is so tightly woven that the consequences of contemporary events radiate instantaneously around the world."  Alive Toffler, Future Shock (1970), p. 15.


  As if all that were not enough, we are also faced with the biggest economic crashes in our national history. Never before has there been so much over extension of credit, coupled with such a large amount of private and government debt. Never before have so many citizens thrown away so much money on gambling, prostitution, and pornography.
  In 1998, a poll was taken to determine what the average American considered to be the best place in which he could privately invest his funds for later retirement. An incredible 58% said the lotteries!

 Western civilization, particularly America, is headed downward financially, and rapidly. Two factors figure prominently:

  The general economic collapse will only intensify the panic when the other crucial factors discussed in the book  kick in. Thanks to e-mail, internet, cell phones,  and fax machines, economic activity is also increasing at exponential speed. An international relations specialist warns: "The faster capitalism goes, the more dangerous it gets. It does not take a rocket scientist to predict that this will all end in tears." Walter Mead, "The Coming Economic Collapse," Esquire, October 1998, p. 97.
  Instead of a national economy, we now have a global economy. Such a tight arrangement easily leads to a falling dominoes effect from continent to continent. Jeffrey Garten, dean of Yale School of Management,  explains: " What happens in one part of the world will affect everything, But it might not be the way that we expect, because the linkages are almost beyond human comprehension." J.E. Garten, in "Global Roulette, Crisis Past or Crisis Future?" Harper's, June 1998, p.40.
    "...a single large overseas nation can financially crash, with ripple effects which may bring the rest of the world's financial markets down with it. Our world is too small now".  News week, June 1, 1998, pp. 42-43. Roger Altman, quoted. (Keep an eye on Japan, March, 2002 - The Editor)


Government cannot solve these problems, they are inherent in the nation's growth. Indeed, the exponential problem  is plaguing Washington. For example, a single report from Exxon to a Federal agency had 445,000 pages, enough to fill 1000 volumes! America's political leaders are succumbing to the exponential pressures they are dealing with.  Because of this they are not likely to recognize or be able to deal with the crisis just ahead of us. Other world leaders and their governments are not having any better success in solving these problems.


  This is the spark which alone could destroy a sizable part of the world.
    "Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction". Blaise Pascal.
  Holy warriors, Islamic extremists: "...The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction make these ideologies endanger the very survival of the human species." Quarterly of International Relations, March 1987.


A chain reaction occurs when something keeps doubling. It is those doublings, and the fact that they happen so fast, that  gives the nuclear bomb its destructive power. In other words, it is exponential! That is why it is so deadly. From A.D. to the present, the amount of potential power accessible at a single explosion has increased ten billion times. Think not that the nuclear thing is a thing of the past. Pres. Bush is (March, 2002) considering pulling that wicked genie out of its bottle, a VERY dangerous mistake, indeed!


  In so many ways, as described above, our world is screaming toward a situation so unstable that the break, when it comes, (and it will) will be terrible. But add to this another, a terrible reason we are on the edge of the end; There is so much evil that is increasing exponentially!   The doubling of evil in our world is becoming a gargantuan monster. Not only is wickedness increasing, but horrible new forms of it are being developed before our eyes. A chain reaction of evil is producing, more crime, more prisons, more misery, more disease, more toxic waste, worse food, worse air, worse drinking, worse gambling, worse water, and worse pollution. And, there is the problems of drugs, prostitution, terrorism, and genocide. Marriage is disappearing. The year 2000 U.S. census did not include the word 'family', that sacred ceremony was  considered  INSIGNIFICANT by the government agency in charge of the census.


  If the negatives are sufficiently dangerous, they cannot be offset by the positives, no matter how beneficial the positives may be. A man can have a healthy body, with good kidneys, heart, intestinal tract, and liver. But, if a bullet enters his head he will likely die. The one negative can outweigh many positives. Once the negatives reach critical mass, we will be doomed, no matter how much positive has been accumulated.
  Aside from the judgment of God, what are the factors  most likely to destroy us?



  Many believe that  there is no power on earth, other than that of God Himself, that can save man from destroying himself.
After the bombs have been sent back and forth between the warring nations the darkness of nuclear winter will settle over the planet. This new name (nuclear winter) coined at a washington conference  for this impenetrable darkness will be brought on by the detonation of less than half the arsenals of the nuclear powers. "This situation is not the possibility of a last generation, the possibility  that OURS may be the LAST generation." Ernest fremont Tittle, The Christian Century, p.556.
  There is NO man that can stand in the breach of today's crisis and deliver us. Only God can do it. And, He WILL deliver those who will earnestly, and in honesty of heart, pray to Him for help.
  The intense heat from the  blasts will set off firestorms, in which the very air will become so hot that everything flammable will ignite. The air will be filled with poisonous fumes that will threaten the existence of the people who somehow escaped the blasts. If and when the rain begins to fall it will be so acidic that the it will burn the skin upon contact. First the intense heat and then the prolonged darkness will destroy nearly all plant life. What future will the few survivors of an atomic holocaust have?
  Jesus did not die so men could disobey God as they are doing today. He died to ENABLE MEN to do all that God asks of them in His word. Both the old and the new Testaments are important. Both come from God and both need to be read today  by men and women who want to go to heaven.

Editors NOTE: We MUST return to Bible religion and obedience to the God of heaven. The teachings of educators, psychologists and scientists imply that man is capable of deciding his own standard of morals. If that is so then why did God give us the Ten  Commandments? It is important to note that in the context of the 'Wrath of God' that John the Revelator   writes: " Here is the patience of the SAINTS: here are they that KEEP (obey) the Commandments of God, AND the faith of Jesus. Revelation 14:12,  (see verse 9 also,  and carefully notice that the Beast and his Image are ALREADY on the scene). Many theologians will tell you that God does not require anyone to keep His Commandments, and that it is not possible anyway. The texts above PROVE that 2000 years AFTER some say the commandments were done away with, God is PLEASED to present some patient SAINTS who ARE keeping His commandments. The Editor

  We have come to a time in human history when men are turning their backs on the Ten Commandments, when social scientists say it cannot be obeyed and the clergy say it need not be obeyed. But the Bible says it MUST be obeyed. By his disobedience to the laws of nature and the laws of God, man is on the verge of destroying himself.
  God has warned men, in His Word, that He would "destroy them which destroy the earth" (Revelation 11:18). How long does anyone dare to wait before sharing the Truths of God's Word with friends and family. God is as near as your own private room. Dedicate the rest of your life to Him.
  God is pleading with men to return to Him (unreservedly) before it is forever too late. Neither science, nor money, or anything else,  but a full commitment to God,  can now help any of us
    "Unless something can be done to destroy the power of sin in the heart of man, his existence in a scientific world will always remain under the shadow of imminent self-destruction." Charles Clayton Morrison.

  God promises to give you a new heart, and a peace to match it. And He will do it if you will give Him you all. Heaven is worth the best you have. Turn your life over to Him.

  We are seeing that the work of warning others of the danger ahead is a lonely 'job'. But, no one can do it for us, you have your friends and I have mine. Our friends and loved ones must KNOW that there is only ONE escape route out of this doomed world. Only a connection with God can lead us to Heaven, companionship with Jesus, and eternal safety. The Editor

    "I am writing at a dark moment, and it is impossible to know whether the human race will last long enough for what I write to be published, or, if published, to be read. "Bertrand Russell, Has Man a Future (1961)? p. 120

  "Thou shalt call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins." Matthew 1:21. Christ lived and died to save us from our sins, NOT in our sins. And if we let Him, He will do it. The key is cooperation. The power of God is made perfect in a weak man that is surrendered to Him. He can take your weakness and enable you to do all  that He asks in His Inspired Word.

Editors NOTE: It seems that the author has gone into 'sermonizing', but, it is just such 'sermonizing' that you and I must be prepared to present to those whom we love. True,  we cannot force anyone to listen to our pleadings.  But we need to be READY to  intelligently share God's  life saving  message with  ALL those that  are seeking  to  be  touched  by  His Holy Spirit, and willing to listen.  The Editor

   "An all out nuclear war means collective suicide. Such a war could cause man to be destroyed as a biological species and could even cause the annihilation of life on earth. If the 'nuclear threshold' is crossed, i.e., if ANY country uses a nuclear weapon even on a limited scale, the further course of events would be difficult to control and the most probable result would be swift ESCALATION." Open letter from exiled Soviet  in Time mag., 4 July 1983.

Important passages in the Bible  have suddenly become VERY relevant. Remember  9/11!
Take 2 Peter 3:9-14, for example: "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness. Looking for and hasting unto  the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Sounds eerily like what scientists envision in a nuclear holocaust, doesn't it!

Dear reader: If you have gotten this far you are probably interested in learning more about the future and maintaining a good relationship with Christ. You are also anxious to learn all you can about the coming events so that you can warn your friends and loved ones. You have read 3 of the 7 chapters in this OnLine version of the book "The Beginning of The End". Granted, the statistics were heavy, but there was a purpose in providing a flood of information. Foremost, it provides the honest seeker of truth a solid background for why we are in the perilous position we are in. Secondly, that abundance of  information tends to weed out the curious and shallow readers. The remaining 4 chapters contain earthshaking information and are not for the closed minded individual. Let me be boldly BLUNT right here; if you are a know it all, you need to quit right here and now, concentrate on something you enjoy, time is running out!  What you would have leaned in the remaining chapters would have only angered you.  To the others, the OPEN minded, the seeker for truth, the lover of God, I cordially invite you to read the remaining chapters.
  Because this one-piece WebPage essay  is getting unwieldy I am going to ask that you write me e-mail requesting chapter four. When I get your request I will send it as quickly as possible. I have no idea how much mail I am going to receive on this subject, but I will do my best to mail your requested chapter within one day. God bless YOU! The Editor

Please send your e-mail request to pobox. Thank you!